FFXIV - Useful Sites
I won't pretend like I know everything, so here are some useful websites that I've used over the years!

(Last updated: Dec. 2023)
I won't pretend like I know everything, so here are some useful websites that I've used over the years!
Lodestone is FFXIV's official web companion! Nearly every bit of info you could access in game is also available on this website. Here, Square Enix posts their news updates for the game, you can view the game's database of items, read up on various game features, look for Players or FCs and more!
Additionally, each character of yours has a webpage generated for them which shows their name, what they look like, their levels, currencies, achievements and more! (However, note that these character-specific features on lodestone are only available to subscribed players.)

Console Games FFXIV Wiki
The community-run FFXIV wiki is one of my favorite websites to have open on my second monitor while I play. Nearly everything you would ever want to know is located on this wiki. Questlines, items and how to obtain them, overworld ads and their locations, you name it, the wiki has a page on it.

Gamer Escape Level Locked Content Guide
Some players never even know that the challenge log exists until like level 50, because it's locked behind an inconspicuous side quest. Other things like Materia Melding or Aesthetician or Gold Saucer access are all locked behind similarly hidden Feature quests that you may straight up miss. This useful guide shows you at which level you're able to unlock certain features, and what side quests you need to do to unlock them.
By the way, Challenge Log objectives are basically free weekly Gil and XP, so definitely unlock it if you haven't already. (And everything in the guide, really.)

Gamer Escape Dictionary of Icons
Another guide from the people who made the Level Locked Content Guide above. Simply a reference page for basically every icon in the game. If you're overwhelmed, confused, or just curious about an icon and what it means, this is your destination.

FFXIVCrafting Equipment Calculator
This is an awesome web app by FFXIV Crafting that tells you what your best available gear is at any given level of a class/job, and where to get it. Simply select your class, type in your level, and hit "Get my gear!"

The icons underneath the item picture can tell you who can craft said item, and also if it's available for sale by an NPC. Clicking on the brown bag icon underneath the item—if it's available—will tell you which NPCs sell that item and where they're located.

Teamcraft Online Crafting Simulator
Especially in the higher levels, repeatedly crafting HQ items can be a chore. Luckily, this web app can be used to find a 100% reliable crafting rotation for any given item, then automatically generate a in-game macro for you to simplify it to a single button press.
Simply input your stats, then tinker till you find a rotation that works for you! Once you have one with 100% reliability, click the "XIV" button on the left to generate in in-game macro for you to use. Paste it into an empty macro slot on your character, and you're off to the races!

Another good Jolsn video for reference here. You don't have to watch the whole video, but at least the bits on macro-ing are worthwhile.

FFXIV Housing Reference
Once you hit Second Lieutenant rank in your grand company, you can buy an apartment for 500k gil. This apartment is essentially an empty box, and it's up to you to paint the walls, buy/craft the furniture, etc. There's a lot available to you, and figuring out what you want to vie for can be confusing.
Thats why this is an awesome website for you interior designers! It shows you a picture of every furniture item in the game and what level you need to be to craft it, given you don't wanna buy it from the market.
Another pro-tip: If you're in housing you own and want to test-fit furniture, you can enter a preview mode by opening your housing menu, then selecting "Preview Indoor Furnishings." Nothing you place in this mode will save, but you can dye items and see how they look, before you commit to buying them. :)

Universalis Market Board Data Site
Especially in conjunction with the last website, you'll find that some player-made items on the in-game market board are outrageously expensive. Rather than suck it up and buy from your home server, Universalis allows you to compare prices from all over your region, allowing you to find the cheapest price for something in your DC! Then, all you have to do is use a starter city aetheryte to server swap, buy the item for cheaper, then server swap back home!

Universalis has saved me literal millions of Gil, particularly while I was buying and crafting items for my first apartment, my first FC chamber, and my house in Empyreum. Highly, highly, highly recommend the usage of this tool.

Garland Tools
Garland Data is the single most useful website on this list, probably. It's a general knowledge database that covers basically everything, from item sources, to NPC locations, to quest lines, and more. Rivals the wiki when it comes to how much info it knows.

I generally use this website when I'm doing advanced crafts, as its ability to break crafts down into each individual step is really, really useful. It tells me where to get the items needed, and then I'll just use Teamcraft to figure out a rotation for each step.