Final Fantasy XIV - Home

The home for all of my FFXIV content!

Final Fantasy XIV - Home

(Last updated: Dec. 2023)

At this point, FFXIV consumes most of my free time, so it's about time I start writing about it.

Literally, the same day that I started this project, I broke 1000 hours played via Steam, and that doesn't even include the ~150 hours I played on PS5 while I was working through Shadowbringers. Over those thousand hours, I've learned a LOT about the game, and am still improving my gameplay nearly every day. I figured I would start chronicling everything that I've learned, in an attempt to help out new users and veterans alike.

I don't aim for this project to be a one-stop shop, and I won't pretend like I know everything. I've only been around for a little less than a year, there are countless people who have been around for nearly ten times that, so for most things I'll refer to the experts. This project aims to be one site of many that can help make your FFXIV experience better. :)

New Players Start Here

For new players, I would suggest you start out with my three-part series for new players, which you can find here:

FFXIV - Getting Started
New players, you’re in luck, because this guide was made just for you!
FFXIV - New Player Tips
So, you just made your first character on Final Fantasy XIV, huh? Here are some tips to get you started off on the right foot.
FFXIV - Useful Sites
I won’t pretend like I know everything, so here are some useful websites that I’ve used over the years!

Midcore Tips

Everything else I'm gonna paste down below for now:

FFXIV - Intermediate Combat Mechanics
So, you want to get better at combat, huh? Here are the basics.
FFXIV - Logging & IINACT
It’s time to get serious about performance. It’s time to log.