FFXIV - Getting Started

New players, you're in luck, because this guide was made just for you!

FFXIV - Getting Started

(Last updated: Dec. 2023)

So, you heard about Final Fantasy XIV from a friend or some YouTuber that you like, but you're new to MMOs and don't know where to start! Well you're in luck, because this guide was made just for you!

Downloading The Game

First off, you'll need a Square Enix account in order to play the game. You'll use this account to manage characters, purchases, and subscriptions across both of Square's MMOs, XI and XIV. (Although, we only care about the latter in this guide.) This account also allows you to log into Lodestone, FFXIV's official companion website, and the official FFXIV Companion App on your phone.

You can make an account by using the following link:

Once you have an account, it's time to download the game. If you're on PlayStation (or soon, Xbox) then obtaining the game is super simple! Just go to the console's main store and download it like you would any other game.

A screenshot of FFXIV's launcher, as of 5.1

If you're on PC, things are a little more complex. PC users have two choices: either get the game through Steam, or purchase it directly from Square Enix. These two versions have total parity; there's no differences in content between them whatsoever. The difference simply comes down to how you would wish to purchase the game, given you decide to buy in after the free trial.

It's also important to know that you cannot swap from one method to another, so once you pick your method, you're locked in permanently. That said, here's what you need to know to make an informed decision:

  • Steam Version: This version is good for the social gamer who wants the game to show up in their library or prefers the convenience of having Steam manage the game files over having to download another launcher. However, it's important to note that XIV expansions on Steam rarely go on sale, usually only during Valve's quarterly seasonal sales (i.e. Spring Sale, Summer Sale, etc.) so you'll likely have to pay full price for the game if you decide to buy in.
  • SE Version: This version is best for everyone else. Square frequently discounts their starter pack and expansion on their own store for 50% off. If all you care about is getting the game for cheap, this is the way to go.

Once you've downloaded the game via your method of choice, log in with your new Square Enix account and proceed to the next step!

Creating a Character

Creating a character simply comes down to doing whatever makes you happy. XIV has 7 races in the game and some pretty neat character customizations, so make your character as cool or as comfy as you want!

An example of FFXIV's character creator

Keep in mind that changing clothes and certain minor features (hair, face paint, etc.) is possible at any point later on, once you've unlocked glamour and the aesthetician, respectively. You can even redesign your entire character and change races, say from Miqo'te to Roegadyn, although to do so you'll need a Fantasia which costs $10 USD from the game's micro-transaction store.

Note: You get one free Fantasia at the end of the first campaign, so don't stress about being forced to spend money if you want to change later on!

Character creation is very much a personal and cosmetic process, and almost everything is entirely up to you. The only two things that you should be aware of and will affect your gameplay later on are the starting class you pick and the server you choose to play on.

XIV's Combat Class System

XIV's combat uses a class system, and each class is categorized into one of three general archetypes: Tank, Healer, or DPS. A brief overview of what each of these archetypes do:

  • Tank: Tanks are all about leading the charge in matchmade content. They have higher vitality (i.e. HP) than other classes and have several abilities that allow them to mitigate damage taken by anywhere from 10-30%. Their main job is to use their enmity generation buff to keep enemies focused on them, and not their squishier teammates.
  • Healer: Healers are all about keeping the party alive by whatever means necessary. Most of the time this is done through casting direct heals, regens, shields, or revives onto your teammates. However, Healers also have some of the strongest AoE attacks in the game, so sometimes the best way to do your job is by killing everything as quickly as you can!
  • DPS: While your tanks and healers stay busy keeping your enemies distracted, DPS classes focus on their namesake- dealing large amounts of Damage Per Second. They are by far the most popular archetype in the game, which is no surprise considering they make up over half of the classes in the game. There are three sub-types of DPS classes: Melee, Phys. Ranged, and Casters. All of these classes execute flashy combos to take out large packs of enemies or kill bosses quickly.

When creating a character, you should consider what gameplay style of those listed above seems the most up your alley. If you like playing more of a support role, consider picking Conjurer or Arcanist to start. If destructive wizardry if your calling, then Thaumaturge might be for you. Just like big swords and shields? Consider Gladiator. So on and so forth.

Class Role Weapons Lv. 30 Upgrade
Gladiator Tank Swords/Shields Paladin
Marauder Tank Greataxes Warrior
Lancer Melee DPS Polearms Dragoon
Pugilist Melee DPS Fist Weapons Monk
Archer Ranged DPS Bows Bard
Thaumaturge Caster DPS Staves/Sceptres Black Mage
Arcanist Caster DPS Books Summoner &
Conjurer Healer Wands/Canes White Mage

It's also important to note here that unlike other MMOs, you're not locked into any one class per character. Classes can be changed at any time by simply changing your main weapon to that of a different class's. In fact, it's very common to see players pick up several classes throughout their first play-through, and most endgame players have all of them unlocked!

I personally started as a Gladiator and swapped to Thaumaturge early on because I found out I liked its rotation and gameplay loop better. I picked up Sage halfway through Stormblood because I thought it looked neat. Just two weeks ago I picked up Gunbreaker and leveled it to 90 because I realized I like a flashy explosive tank class and also giving myself arthritis. So don't stress, and feel free to experiment!

Picking a Starting Server

Final Fantasy XIV follows the MMO standard of using dedicated servers to host their game. If you've never played an MMO before you might be confused with what this entails, but it just means that Square Enix has a finite number of physical servers that they host the game off of. Each server hosts its own version of the game world where you and your friends coexist and can virtually meet up and do things without being forced to use a party system like some other games. (Cough cough Destiny 2 cough.)

FFXIV's server select screen

Picking a server is a semi-permanent decision, so it can seem like a daunting decision at first. (That is unless you pay money for a server transfer later) But to be honest, picking a home has never been less stressful than it is right now. XIV now has systems in place to let you travel to almost any server you want, so long as it's within the same region as your home server. This effectively means that no matter which server you pick, you'll always be able to play with your friends!

It is important to note however that there are certain restrictions to the World Visit and DC Travel systems, which can be found here and here respectively. So if you plan on starting up a Free Company (aka. Clan) with your friends, then be sure to pick the same server as them. Otherwise, just pick any open server, preferably one with an EXP boost, and have fun!

Start Playing!

Welcome to Eorzea! Once your character is created, start playing! There are countless things to do and see in this game, alongside some truly stellar storytelling. FFXIV's Main Story Quest is one of my favorite stories out of every MMO or online game that I've played so far. You're in for a treat.

If you want more tips and tricks now that you're in the game, I'll point you towards my New Player Tips guide, where I go all into things I think new players should know and do to make their lives easier.

FFXIV - New Player Tips
So, you just made your first character on Final Fantasy XIV, huh? Here are some tips to get you started off on the right foot.